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Natasha Phillips
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Natasha Phillips


​1. How long have you been at COOK?

Ten years already! I started on the Finishing Line for six months then joined the Pastry Team, where l qualified as a pastry chef doing my NVQ. I spent four years in pastry and I loved it. It was a very small team but we all clicked. We were led by the amazing Carole who had so much knowledge to share about COOK and general life. And making pastry and hot puddings for a job was pretty amazing!

2. What was it about Cook that made you take that first job.

Family. Janet is my auntie. I was offered a trial day in the kitchen by Wayne, and it was there I learned the ropes.

3. Describe your career journey at COOK.

I started in the Finishing Team, then moved to pastry. After lots of advice and support, I jumped into the first ever Ops Academy training, where I was supported by Alan. I then joined the Retail Ops Team for five years. When COVID hit in 2020, I quickly became the local delivery manager, supporting 40 vans. It was quite a change! It led to me becoming Fleet Manager in the autumn of 2021. I’ve been working alongside Logistics and trying to find my feet with a new team and a new role.

4. How has COOK helped you to grow your career?

When l left school, I didn’t really know what I wanted to do … but if you asked me this question ten years ago, I definitely wouldn’t of said ‘Fleet Manager’. I didn’t even know what it was back then. I wasn’t into cars or trains or anything like that growing up. I suppose I was a blank canvas when I started, but open to learning and finding my feet. All I knew is that I had a lot to give. COOK has offered lots of training and development courses throughout my time here. With0out that support, I wouldn’t be where I am today. COOK has also coached me into a few of my roles, giving me a little push from time-to-time to ‘do better’ … especially when I’m in danger of being stuck in my comfort zone.

5. What challenges have you faced to be where you are today?

Loads. It’s never been easy. You have to work hard and be patient. Things take time, they don’t happen overnight. Believing in myself was a challenge, especially with the Transport side of things.

6. What advice would you give to someone starting out at COOK?

Be open to anything. Take on challenges and step outside your comfort zone. Don’t shy away from projects. Ask for support. Keep pushing. And don’t be alone, lean on people.

7. What’s your dream job at COOK?

Fleet Manager! I’m really starting to find my way with it. But if I’m pushed to say something else, let’s go big: Logistics Manager. Ha ha!

8. What do you think you could bring to the COOK party?

Hmm, that’s a tricky question. Honesty and reliability.

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